Sylvia Milne's WebSite

I am a retired librarian and live in the village of Ashton Hayes in Cheshire, England. It is close to historic Chester and handy for very pleasant Walks We often walk in Delamere Forest an historic forest managed by Forestry England , and the Sandstone Trail runs quite close to the village.

Like many librarians of my age, I began my career in the age of the card catalogue and ended it in the digital age.

I have been browsing the World Wide Web for several years now and have discovered  many useful sites. When I worked at the University of Chester, I set up and edited CHESweb as a way of drawing the attention of staff and students to relevant Internet resources.

When I retired in 1999, I compiled a collection of useful sites and called it Plucked from the Web. Advancing age and laziness means that I have stopped regularly updating all of them apart from

  • Ashton Hayes : a village in Cheshire

    May I share some photographs  of our visits to England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Italy

Here are some of my videos:
Morris Dancers in Buxton
A Starling Takes a Bath
Magpies Pick Parasites from Sheep

I quite often get requests from people suggesting links.

Unfortunately, some teachers recommend “brilliant sites” discovered by their students on commercial or even dating sites.

May I recommend evaluation sites like the one at Lake Park High School Library. This is aimed at high school children

This is a useful site for parents. Teachers and librarians Great Websites for Kids sponsored by the American Library Association


Links checke13/05/22

Checking for broken links is like painting the Forth Bridge.   If you find any,  please report them to Sylvia Milne


© Sylvia Milne 1999-2022
I hope you find my website useful. I have been compiling it since 1999. I am delighted when people link to my pages, but it is against international law to copy and paste whole sections without my permission.
I try to link to respectable pages only, but I am not responsible for the content of external websites